Friday, 5 August 2011

Abbreviations for text messages - SMS Dictionary Examples

!±8± Abbreviations for text messages - SMS Dictionary Examples

Basically this is just another term for SMS dictionary, or a link via SMS. These acronyms are simply SMS abbreviations that people use every day for sending SMS messages faster and easier. Some links below are used only for messages of instant messenger, or at the end of an SMS message transmitted by the mood of the person sending the SMS message. Some of the txt msg shortcuts are good examples of how people shorten words when they sendSMS messages.

So, let's take a look at some common abbreviations for text messages, then.

SMS Abbreviations:

Nothing - nthing

're OK - RUOK?

They are - R

Ate - 8

Be - B

Before - B4

See you - BCNU

Cutie - QT

Date - D8

Dinner - DNR

Easy - EZ

Huh? - A?

Excellent - XLNT

Fate - F8

For - 4

For your information - FYI

Great - GR8

Late - L8

Later - L8R

How much love / laughs -Lol

Love - LUV

Mate - M8

Please - PLS

Please call me - PCM

Queue / cue - Q

Rate - R8

See / sea - C

See you later - CU L8R

Speak - SPK

Tea - T

Thank you - THX

Thank you - THNQ

To / too - 2

A - 2B

Today - 2day

Tomorrow - 2moro

Want - WAN2

What - WOT

Work - WRK

Because - Y

You - U


Happy / smiley - :-)

Angry - :-| |

Very happy -:-))

Confused -% -)

Tongue Tied -: - &

Sad - :-(

Holy - O :-)

Laughing -:-D

Crying -: '- (

Surprised / shocked -:-O

Screaming -: - @

Kiss -: -*

Pig -: @)

Clown - * :-)

Wink - ;-)

There are more SMS abbreviations, make-up was a so-called SMS dictionary, but the words used, the less effective are the links to understand when people stop what you are saying.

In this case, a short 'vocabulary'best to let everyone know what is being said.

Abbreviations for text messages - SMS Dictionary Examples

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