Sunday, 28 August 2011

These fun-Simply Bad Life Tips

!±8± These fun-Simply Bad Life Tips

Have you ever wondered why I get out of bed today? That's all there is to life? And where the hack, I have the car keys?

Do not despair, it's not too late to turn around your life! Well, if you're really old (like 30), in which case I suggest alcohol. If you are still a useful member of society (under 30) are, I've gathered some tips to change your life, no doubt your life in a profound and deep, not even notice!

So with all this, and said to himself, now is the timethe seat down, lean back, open your mind, scratch your tummy, cluck like a chicken and read this pearl of wisdom:

1 Every morning smile to your mirror, but why stop there? Smile on his kitchen table in your living room couch and your ironing board. Caution, do not smile on the dishwasher can be taken as a provocation.

2 Always wear your smile. People assume you're a fool and do not want to mess with you.

3 Be kind to others, please send me the money.

4 Living each dayhow is your last.Crawl in a corner and cry.

5 Live every day to the fullest. When he goes to the bathroom with a newspaper!

Drink 6 is not a solution, unless we're talking about alcohol.

7 Better to give than to receive (true only for infections).

8 Dress is not the man, naked, but you will get arrested.

9 Do not put all your eggs in one basket, then put them all in the fridge will take longer to make.

10 Remember, everyone isMistake, and you have the ability to laugh at them.

11 Always follow your dreams, just be sure to check that Pamela Anderson is also on board.

12 Give a man a fish and he can take the wrong way ...

13 Honesty is the best policy, at least that what Pamela always told me.

14 Time is money. Stop reading stupid articles!

These fun-Simply Bad Life Tips

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Monday, 22 August 2011

How to get rid of fruit flies fruit fly trap with a homemade

!±8± How to get rid of fruit flies fruit fly trap with a homemade

Anyone who has ever been sitting a few bananas left out or forgotten to change their garbage knows all too well the problem with fruit flies. It seems that once they've invaded your kitchen, you can not get rid of them. You can clean, scrub, tempting fruit and spray the garbage can with disinfectants, but keep coming back. One can not help but crawl just looking at them.

We have always had problems with fruit flies, one of the main reasons is that we live in aApartment and the law - must recycle. In which we live, we must keep our recycling containers inside until they can be disposed of once a week. If recyclables are not good enough to clean after use, are an ideal breeding ground for fruit flies. They love bits of rotting food remnants and seem to thrive in even the smallest amount. If fruit flies move in, just do not want to leave and eggs and whatever they can find what lay - Fruits and vegetables leftthe counter, sink drains, garbage disposals, empty bottles and cans, garbage bags and even mops and rags.

A Curious about some fruit flies:

- Can lay up to 500 eggs at a time

- Your entire life cycle is completed in about a week

- While considered mainly a pest, they have the potential to contaminate food with harmful bacteria

We all know that playing the removal of food, removing rubbish and cleaning an important role, but we also know howFruit flies move a piece of fruit and a swarm fill the air only to escape your attempts to kill. Where are they going to go? Of course, those who can not easily be captured or killed flying around, which will focus to a different place for the eggs and the cycle begins again to find the laity.

In all my experiments, I found the best way to capture and remove ones to escape, a simple case with a sheet of glass, plastic and a piece of food is to create. Here's howWorks:

1 Get a small pot, you will be using again (like a baby food jar or something similar) and wash well. Make sure that there is a jar with a strange smell like a pickle jar or anything that used to use strong spices. You want a clean, odorless jar.

2 Take a piece of banana and put in cans. Why is a clean, odorless jar like - so that the banana smell will not be overpowered by other not-so-tempting smells. Banana seems to work better, butcan experience.

3 Place a piece of plastic wrap over the rim of the glass to make sure it is firmly attached and sealed at the edges. Then take a pen or pencil, and hit 4-5 holes in the plastic, just big enough to fit into a fruit fly. Once a fruit fly strip, you can not out. You would think that would just fly back through the holes, but will not be!

4 Place the pot in an area where you saw the fruit fly. Depending on the amount of fruit flyhave customers, you can see the glass filled within a few hours. After 24 hours you will discover just how bad your fruit fly problem is!

This simple, inexpensive and safe working perfectly, and if you do not want that glass can on public display, you can always slip behind the garbage can in the pantry or under the sink (Just do not forget!). You want to empty the cup every 3-4 days before eggs have a chance to hatch. While adult fruit flies can noteasily escape through the holes, their maggots can very easily, and also - they are disgusting to watch, crawl into the dish. You do not want to see these things crawling on the counter!

The cleaning of the glass should be no problem. If you have a good heart, you can choose, let them go outside. Personally, I spray the little buggers with bug spray, wash the windows and start the process again, even when I think about to bear fruit flies to left.

Forbad fruit fly problems, you want to use this method for more than two weeks to make sure we have captured most of the fruit flies. You may also want a pair of glasses can be used in different places. Before long, your kitchen will be back to normal.

How to get rid of fruit flies fruit fly trap with a homemade

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How to tell if a guy you like: looks like you? Why are men so difficult to read?

!±8± How to tell if a guy you like: looks like you? Why are men so difficult to read?

First of all, no matter what your heart tells you or how your mind forces you to think, not obsessed with a guy you can never have. There are so many more fish in the sea, so many people can love that truly deserves your love. It is not always bad for a guy who will never learn to appreciate you. The characters are as follows:

If his candidate for a Booty Call and then did not know during the day.

If he uses them.

If he abusesThem.

If it hurts. For example, he calls you fat. It says playfully tease you, you really feel like garbage.

When he talks about you behind your back. If he starts rumors about you ...

To understand this, guys can be really bad sometimes. Go ahead, if you answered yes to any of these.

Now that we have of the way, here comes the juicy part. As you can tell when a guy you like? You like. The feeling in the stomach, he likes you back. But it is necessarysome substantial evidence. I do not want to enter the type of guys out there, because in the end, there will always be a group of kids who do not have recess in the fall. These suggestions are not foolproof, since human nature is always fickle. So I suggest you read this and use it as a reference and not your bible.

ONE strategy

Ask. He says that you like. Case closed. You're done. But for fear of rejection, it is possible at all? If only it were that simple. I'll tell you. Ask.This will save you a lot of time. If he says no, then it is understandable that he can not and even after that for some time. Therefore, it is he who repents later, when he falls for you in return, I will hang out and stuff ... Maybe not, because if you refuse, it's too embarrassing ... So, what you can do is this ....

"You like me?"


"I knew it, I do not like either." Haha!

"You like me?"

"Yes, as aFriend. "

"I was worried because I thought that I liked as a friend ..." Saved!

Like when you say that you like so that he likes her and not as a friend, then you have only yourself points for your dream man.

Signs that he likes you
He blushes and sweats. You intimidate him.

He stares you. (It can be a stalker, beware)

He does things deliberately to get your attention.

He stammers when he speaks to you.

His pupils dilate whenclosely and you see them ... Beware, pupils dilate when it is dark, mostly.

He is waiting for you. Watch out for you.

He laughs your jokes when no one else does.

He wants to make fun of her, for him to remember and notice him.

He listens and remembers little details really.

He notices slight changes in your appearance.

It seems sad if they ignore it.

It seems jealous when you're with another man. Whoo.

His friends all know, if youI do not know.

He smiles when you smile at him.

Often fixed and if you catch him, he's doing pretty dizzy, very fast!

He works for you sweet. Defends and protects you. It tolerates it will mean for him.

Signs that a player

He is a good orator. He is very comfortable around you.

He puts his hands on them easily.

Every other girl loves him.

Just be careful.

There are many more characters, but,just go with your heart, you take care of themselves and things happen naturally. Should be, it should be.

How to tell if a guy you like: looks like you? Why are men so difficult to read?

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Friday, 19 August 2011

4 Tips on how to get Ripped - Buliding Muscle Fast

!±8± 4 Tips on how to get Ripped - Buliding Muscle Fast

As a personal trainer, I asked this all the time. Everyone wants to learn to break now!

Now you can quickly change, but do not expect immediate results. This type of muscle must be earned through hard work.

Ripped body fat is about 13%. The doctors will tell you that it is healthy to be fat between 14% and 20%.

1) For the way I broke the diet is important. Eating habits must be worked correctly, and a diet plan is essential.Create a program that includes diet, 2000-2500 calories a day.

2) you have to train three times a week, with cardio-day every other day. Go ahead and take the weekend off, but you can not lose all the other days. It is discipline, you should plan your workouts, not random and sporadic.

3) You must shoot at least six hours of sleep per night, for eight.
Try your program consistently. Train is not too much, it's easy to injure your muscles ifThey work every day.

4) additions. A protein shake is necessary, except to stay away from supplements. Multi-vitamins are healthy, but beyond that I work all the natural way.

These are just basic tips that every manufacturer of new, need to get started.

What are the prospects?

Next, you need to give yourself a complete plan of training that includes all these suggestions. You need a complete diet, a comprehensive training program, and a lot of information aboutTechnology.

Here you will find the answers to all these questions for free online, but the quality of information you receive.

If you're going to dedicate himself to getting ripped, I strongly recommend you explore the top fitness e-books, the creation of everything for you.

These e-books is like hiring a personal trainer to build a comprehensive training plan, which would cost at least $ 600 in a gym with a lot of visits required.

Some of these e-books are so worried about scamsyou have to do is to go with some of the e-books that have been used for years.

Once you have been around for a while ', people are not buying.

See the link below Squidoo lens, lens of three of the first e-book from her. See if one of them is right for you.

These e-books are not necessary, but they are cracking much faster and easier. It's worth the small investment.

4 Tips on how to get Ripped - Buliding Muscle Fast

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Thursday, 11 August 2011

Ingrown Hair - Six Tips

!±8± Ingrown Hair - Six Tips

Ingrown hairs are like Psuedofolliculitis barbae (PFB), razor, razor, hair bumps, shaving bumps, ingrown known.

Psuedofolliculitis barbae was referring to the hair is cut or under the skin, which then begins to grow through surrounding tissue, instead of bursting of the follicle.

In other cases, it curls around and starts growing back into the skin causing irritation and inflammation.

If you shave the pubic area, remove the cone, and asgrows back without that tapered end, sharpness literally cut the skin around the hair follicles.

Use these simple precautions to minimize the discomfort of ingrown pubic hair:

# 1

For ingrown pubic hairs along the bikini line, hold a warm compress against ingrown points for 10 minutes three times a day on the skin soft and help work their way out of her hair.

# 2

Add to Avoid loose underwear and clothing until the bumps are goneFriction.

# 3

Some find it helpful to scrub the area before waxing. Consequently, some of the dead cells in the upper layer of skin cells that often contribute to trapping the hair.

Exfoliating options include creams, lotions, gels and body, a slightly abrasive cloth or glove specifically for exfoliation. Check the beauty counter at a local department store.

# 4

Do not scrub the skin if you already have ingrown pubic hairs as further skinMay cause irritation.

# 5

When waxing, be sure to pull the hair from the roots. Allow the hair to break below the surface of the skin.

# 6

Use a specially formulated treatment (see below). Prevents ingrown pubic hair and eliminates existing ingrown hair within days.

Additional note: In order to sterilize the ingrown hairs, which are deep, a pair of needle-nosed tweezers with alcohol and individually lift each ingrown hairs from the follicle. Clean the area withAlcohol and after shave.

If the needle-nosed tweezers are not available, wipe a pin or needle and the ingrown area with alcohol, then carefully release the hair that grows in the direction with the tip of the needle alone. After the hair is released, wipe the skin with alcohol again.m

Ingrown Hair - Six Tips

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Friday, 5 August 2011

Abbreviations for text messages - SMS Dictionary Examples

!±8± Abbreviations for text messages - SMS Dictionary Examples

Basically this is just another term for SMS dictionary, or a link via SMS. These acronyms are simply SMS abbreviations that people use every day for sending SMS messages faster and easier. Some links below are used only for messages of instant messenger, or at the end of an SMS message transmitted by the mood of the person sending the SMS message. Some of the txt msg shortcuts are good examples of how people shorten words when they sendSMS messages.

So, let's take a look at some common abbreviations for text messages, then.

SMS Abbreviations:

Nothing - nthing

're OK - RUOK?

They are - R

Ate - 8

Be - B

Before - B4

See you - BCNU

Cutie - QT

Date - D8

Dinner - DNR

Easy - EZ

Huh? - A?

Excellent - XLNT

Fate - F8

For - 4

For your information - FYI

Great - GR8

Late - L8

Later - L8R

How much love / laughs -Lol

Love - LUV

Mate - M8

Please - PLS

Please call me - PCM

Queue / cue - Q

Rate - R8

See / sea - C

See you later - CU L8R

Speak - SPK

Tea - T

Thank you - THX

Thank you - THNQ

To / too - 2

A - 2B

Today - 2day

Tomorrow - 2moro

Want - WAN2

What - WOT

Work - WRK

Because - Y

You - U


Happy / smiley - :-)

Angry - :-| |

Very happy -:-))

Confused -% -)

Tongue Tied -: - &

Sad - :-(

Holy - O :-)

Laughing -:-D

Crying -: '- (

Surprised / shocked -:-O

Screaming -: - @

Kiss -: -*

Pig -: @)

Clown - * :-)

Wink - ;-)

There are more SMS abbreviations, make-up was a so-called SMS dictionary, but the words used, the less effective are the links to understand when people stop what you are saying.

In this case, a short 'vocabulary'best to let everyone know what is being said.

Abbreviations for text messages - SMS Dictionary Examples

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